Rex Baron has spent much of his life traveling the world in search of history and to experience a sense of “Place”. He is a student of metaphysics and Daoism, and has studied Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine as an alternative to Western pragmatic thinking.
To express his creative side, he paints portraits and enjoys the history of great works of art and the stories of the lives of their creators.
He believes that each of us is capable of great achievements, and that the power and magic to fulfill our dreams lies deep within. He maintains that by understanding our history and the history of the world, we may come to understand how to tap into our personal power and create a life experience that we never thought possible.
Rex presently resides in the American Southwest.
Author’s quote: “There is Magic all around us. Our goal is to train our senses to perceive it and recognize it as an opportunity to create worlds.”
This spellbinding eight-part historical fantasy is set in four different eras spanning the course of a century. Beginning in 1921, Hexe tracks the dark magical exploits of four women joined by the thread of destiny.

Chosen for Power

Murder By Magic

Return of the Demi-Gods

Death of the Gods

Bargain with the Gods

Alchemy of Murder

Reunion of Evil